
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2020

The second part of the first idea !

  And after I showed you how to make a fan, this is the second part of the same idea, and the idea is: How can you do something with the fan like a stand so that the fan can work. 1- 2 wood or its long cardboard, and its text will be cut from underneath me as the chair you have opened 2- If you answer long wires and connect the two strands to each other and cut them from the text so that it is made of copper 3- Usp connection, battery or power bank 4- You will connect the battery or power bank to the two fans and then it will work with you Of course, thank you, and I hope to see you again, and don’t forget to enter my YouTube channel with the needs of the link below. Thank you. youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/shaike s

1 idea with motor !

  I want to make useful and sweet ideas with motors. I am treating you with sweet and useful ideas. I hope you like it, let's start 1- Making a small fan for cooling Steps 1- A small fan blade is easy to make, or if you have a small one 2- A small motor to be used in the fan, and then we attach wires to it h ss 3- A 1.5-volt or 9-volt battery, which one you have 4- Electrical switch 5-  We will stick the motor into the propeller and install a wire from the motor into the battery, the second wire from the battery to the switch, and the second wire from the motor into the key like And it will run and it will be nice if you are free and thank you and, God willing, I will see you again 3- A 1.5-volt or 9-volt battery, which one you have

How does an Electric Motor work?

  There are two ways to overcome this problem. One is to use a kind of electric current that periodically reverses direction, which is known as an   alternating current (AC) . In the kind of small, battery-powered motors we use around the home, a better solution is to add a component called a   commutator   to the ends of the coil. (Don't worry about the meaningless technical name: this slightly old-fashioned word "commutation" is a bit like the word "commute". It simply means to change back and forth in the same way that commute means to travel back and forth.) In its simplest form, the commutator is a metal ring divided into two separate halves and its job is to reverse the electric current in the coil each time the coil rotates through half a turn. One end of the coil is attached to each half of the commutator. The electric current from the battery connects to the motor's electric   terminals . These feed electric power into the commutator through a pair ...

نبذه عن الصفحه !

هذه الصفحه تكتب لنا معلومات عن اي شيء ك المحركات الكهربائية و كيفية عمل الطائرة وأشياء كثيرة اتمنى تكون هتعجبكم . وشكرا Shaikes